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に、"中国電子商取引専門管理者認証基準を公布し、ファイル番号の実施の通知を試行的実施()"を:CCCEM [2005] 1

ためにさらなる"と国務院の人的資源の意思決定を強化する上で動作するように、"開発の電子の建物のプロセスによって、中国の持続的かつ急速な経済成長と経済圏の大規模栽培を促進するためe -ビジネスアドバイス"を加速する上でのクリック単価センターは、国家評議会"を実装する電子商取引、高い国際的な品質のニーズに、複合型人材、中国電子商取引協会認定プロフェッショナルマネージャー管理事務所、中国の企業の完全な調査と電子の実際のニーズの電子商取引の専門家だけでなく、メールの法律電子商取引の専門知識、さまざまなリソースを、長年にわたって蓄積された統合する繰り返し学習した後、"中国電子商取引専門管理者の認定基準試験()の実装を開始した。"すぐにすることを決めた正式に

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"Armor" Van Fuuun selected China's online game - arcade mop

Armor Age

About Tencent launched by the company, the "Big Bang Fuuun 2007" online at the official prize is a game, this event is to select a game to participate in online gaming fine start to the last vote in any game, then We have never been concerned about the win is most concerned about the focus.

"Armor of the times," a unique style, the name of the finalists for Best Original Score, Best MMORPG, not just the top 10 most popular, the manufacturers of these awards, mechanical quick players who love competition "Armor of the era as the" sanctity of your vote Xian is a charming gift, for a while.

Voting Address: games.qq.com/zt/2007/07cngr/topic_html/lp_jjsj.htm

"Armor Age," Consumer Price Index, as the nation's first 3D Onraingemumashin, just introduced a huge number of fans for their support play. The game itself, so the new game system, transform the experience for everyone as well as exciting world of Mechs, the process of the player of the game in hand, "armor of the era of the" history of the fully owned by all players We come together to write.

At the same time, the event time "armor" is an anniversary celebration, to enrich the lives of the general mechanical games to turn and exciting activities: Munkanibaru copy of the weapons, the official launch of a series up to meet the great players and send Daburuderutapointo are surrounded by the atmosphere of a game.

This is a "big bang Fuuun online game" campaign, the players just means authoritative scientific attitude, and the role of today's market there is, by voting as online games and casual online games Because different types of games, please play for the national players of online games to open the country for the future development of the correct route. The annual sum, at most, has an interest.

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"Age of Armor" Gorudenrigutopikku Address: aoa.woniu.com / HD of / hj /

Address mechanical deformation Collection Buy: aoa.woniu.com / HD in / DC /

"Armor Age" website: aoa.woniu.com

"Age of Armor" Application of the account: member.snailgame.net / members /

"Age of Armor" download the client: aoa.woniu.com/2j/download.htm

Sea Net - Dynamic network's flagship entertainment station Portal: www.woniu.com/

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